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“Rest is not idleness, and to lie sometimes on the grass under trees on a summer's day, listening to the murmur of the water, or watching the clouds float across the sky, is by no means a waste of time.” ― John Lubbock, The Use Of Life

Summer is in full swing, time flies by so fast when you have a million irons in the fire! Spring was a whirlwind, and left me with quite a few projects, each begging me for attention and focus. It's so hard to not get overwhelmed! But I'm using my Balance oil, and it always brings me back to the present moment, grounding me, so I can allow only positive thoughts into my sphere, making space for the energy and stamina I need to continue on.

Rest is so important during these times of busyness for your physical, mental, and spiritual selves to reset and be in top condition. It's so easy, when you're caught up in the whirlwind of activity, to eat on the run. And that puts your body into "stress mode", which is a signal to keep that extra weight on and put away more! Take the time to slow down and breathe deeply whenever you are eating anything this summer. Your body will thank you!

Another way to treat your body right is with quality supplements. I don't have to go into the fact that there are many companies now who do not make quality their first priority, and I believe people are getting tired of that. doTERRA is not one of them. doTERRA has established a high standard of quality in pure therapeutic-grade essential oils in an industry that had never had one.

That's why we stopped buying multivitamins and started using the Lifelong Vitality Pack.

From the doTERRA site: "The doTERRA Lifelong Vitality Program makes taking the first step on the path toward a lifetime of vitality and wellness convenient and affordable. Our lifelong health and vitality depend on many factors including diet, physical activity, weight management, rest, stress management, exposure to toxins, and inherited genetic predisposition for disease or wellness. While some of these variables are beyond our complete control, breakthrough scientific research is revealing many ways we can influence—and even control—significant factors of aging and wellness. A long life full of vitality and healthy aging begins with providing your cells with essential nutrients and metabolic factors to help them perform optimally."

We can truly attest to the above statement and then some, and we love hearing stories from people who have witnessed the incredible changes in their health from using this and other essential oils.

My husband, Rob, is an agricultural truck driver, and works grueling hours Spring-Fall. I started taking LLV two months ago, along with Mito2Max Energy & Stamina Complex. I was so impressed with how I felt that I started giving him some, but not daily. He didn't ask what they were, he just said "whatever it is that you've been giving me, DO NOT STOP!" after about 3 times. So I got him his own pack. His energy levels and stamina skyrocketed and he believes he would never had survived the first 2 weeks of a new hauling job if he hadn't have been on the program. He's now telling all the other drivers about it!

So that's just our little story. I've heard unbelievable stories of people using the program to fight tumors and cancer with great success . Those kinds of stories are my favorite to read!

So if you are ready to feel like you started youthing, now is the perfect time to become a wholesale member of doTERRA! They have a great promotion right now to receive a FREE Lifelong Vitality Pack with your qualifying order!!!

Promotion Details:

Sign up and place a 100 PV enrollment order in June, then place a 100 PV Loyalty Rewards Order in July, and receive a FREE doTERRA Lifelong Vitality Pack® ($106.00 Retail Value) with your qualifying 100 PV LRP order!

How to Earn:

• Sign up as a new dōTERRA Wellness Advocate or Wholesale Customer.

• Place a 100 PV enrollment order from June 1–30.

• Opt in to the Loyalty Rewards Program

• Place a 100 PV Loyalty Rewards Order from July 1–31.

• Receive a FREE dōTERRA Lifelong Vitality Pack® ($106.00 Retail Value) with your qualifying 100 PV Loyalty Rewards order.

Contact me today to get started on your empowered health journey!

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