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Energy needs to MOVE

“The only thing standing between you and your goal is the story you keep

telling yourself as to why you can't achieve it.” -- Jordan Belfort

Everybody has beliefs. I'm not talking about religion here. I'm talking about the little thoughts throughout our day that cause us to make our everyday decisions. "I NEED to do this" or "I CAN'T do that". They can be as old as we are, set up there unintentionally by a well-meaning adult when we were young and impressionable: "I look fat!" said Mama as she looked in the mirror. They can be positive or negative, hitting extremes such as the difference between an Olympian athlete, who's inner voice says "I CAN do this", and a severely depressed person on the verge of suicide, who's inner voice hasn't been confidence-instilling. Some can be hereditary, passed down from generations of same-thinking and never changing, just like some diseases are hereditary.

Since we are humans with mental minds and physical bodies that are deeply connected, those thought-beliefs lodge themselves in our body, a blockage, and stay there until we choose a different way of thinking. The blocks can even cause pain in our muscles and joints, or dis-eases of multiple kinds.

Energy has to move around. If it doesn't, it becomes stagnant and starts to rot. If you ate food, and it didn't go anywhere, how would your insides feel after a few days? Awful!! And you would probably do whatever you could to move it out of there! Exercise moves energy which is why it is so important for just about every bodily function.

Reiki is an energy that moves energy, in a gentle and subtle fashion, breaking down the blocks we unconsciously set up for ourselves. Reiki works behind the scenes to move out old blocks, no matter how small or large or even if you don't know what they are, that are no longer serving you. It is unable to cause harm. It's a spiritual energy that knows what you need for healing.

I was introduced and attuned to Reiki in December of 2014. It opened up the entire world for me. Prior to that I generally felt like I was walking around in a haze, just trying to get through the day, living for the weekends. I was drawn into myself, and gained a lot of weight. Life didn't really have the color it was supposed to, and I was blaming others for my unhappiness. I was super un-confident in myself and found struggled with anxiety. Reiki cleared the blocks that needed to be cleared and reminded me that I alone control my choice for Joy. It wasn't a lightning bolt, overnight-i'm-in-heaven-now kind of change, but subtle little things happened for me that provided a base for me to build up my self-confidence on. I started treating my self better, eating better, exercising, and I lost the weight. My relationships improved because I was feeling better about my self instead of blaming, including my relationship with God.

Reiki provides a space for your body and mind to relax in, which essential for healing to take place. It's hard to find the time to relax and be peaceful in this day and age, but that makes it all the more important.

So if you are ready to try something new that you've never done before for your own healing, give me a jingle and book a session.

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